The artist Veronika Olma, who lives near Kaiserslautern, has been walking and hiking in the landscape since 2011 (Kunstforum). The paths are determined by the respective specifications. Her dog Bazi is her constant companion and essential co-creator on these whimsical walks, which is why she also calls these joint undertakings “Baziergänge”. In Veronika Olma‘s artistic work, the dog becomes the “co-creator” of her works (Mannheimer Morgen). Currently, the two have walked about 32,300 km together!
The Saarbrücken exhibition “vademecum” at the [SALI E TABACCHI] Gallery shows selected drawings, lasercuts made of acrylic glass, postcards and embroidered fabric boxes from Veronika Olma‘s large-scale project of the same name, “vademecum”, comprising hundreds of writings and drawings.
Photo credits:
Albert Herbig, Veronika Olma, Verena Feldbausch, © vg bildkunst et autorisation de Veronika Olma