Under the motto AU RENDEZ-VOUS DES AMIS, SaarART 2023 presents artists from Saarland, Lorraine and Luxembourg for the first time as a cross-border art project at 11 exhibition venues in Saarland. The positions selected by a supra-regional jury deal with the themes of identity, isolation, transience and beauty. Here at the Goldene Bremm in Saarbrücken, the border crossing between Germany and France, also known as the Bremmraum, 5 artistic positions can be seen, which call themselves Kollektiv Bremm: Budke (D), Grenze Plus (D), Mane Hellenthal and Ulrich Behr (D), Lukas Ratius (D) and Véronique Verdet (F). Initiator Stefan Ochs, Professor of Architecture at the HTW Saar and head of the IBA workshop laboratory, will guide us through the Bremm space, which is located at the Goldene Bremm service area and is open to the public at all times.
Photos Credits:
1, 2a, 2b, 2c – Grenze Plus
3 – Verena Feldbausch
4 – Vernissage Tunnel Budke: Marius Heimburger
5, 6, 7, – Verena Feldbausch
8 – Lukas Ratius
9, 10, 11, 12, – Véronique Verdet
13, 14, – Verena Feldbausch
15 – Innenraum IBA-Werkstattlabor.
16 – Totale Raststätte: IBA-Werkstattlabor.
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